Monday, March 8, 2010


In a fit of disgust over my present condition (I am about 25 lbs overweight) and in talking to my son and daughter in law who have both run several marathons, I think I committed myself to running the St. George Marathon.

I have been running for several years and have participated in a number of 5Ks and a few 10Ks. I am feeling like recently I have not gotten the exercise I wanted so when the topic came up I put my chips in and said "call".

The good thing about the St. George Marathon is that it is about 27 weeks away. That gives me a lot of time to prepare. The even better thing is that so many people want to run this Marathon that places are given out by lottery. That means I could not get picked.

Really I have always wanted to run a marathon, I just didn't have the patience when I was younger. With the help of some online coaching, schedules and prayer for a more relaxed temperment, I will start the process. There are several 5Ks this summer and my wife has expressed an interest in a Triathalon (we did a few several years ago). Even if I don't draw out on the St. George Marathon I can put my training regimen to work on these other events.

So here is to a healthy and injury free summer. Wish me luck.


Max Sartin said...

Good luck! If you need any help training (I'll drive the supply car) let me know.

naptime nostalgia said...

awesome!! I bet if Jeff knows you are signing up, he will too!