Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How About Them Legislators

Ah the joys of living in Utah behind the Zion curtain. We have a legislature that is single minded about their lack of progressiveness. Some of the items up for consideration and that have been passed by the Utah legislature during the 2010 session:

1. Chris Buttars, our friend and protector of the Western American Small Town Biggot (an endangered species) wants to eliminate 12th grade from the public school system. Presumably because he never achieved such lofty educatin' he don't see no reason why we should be payin' for it.

2. The legislature passed a non-binding referendum declaring global warming inconclusive scientifically and requesting the government quit imposing strict CO2 thresholds. The problem is that if global warming were real the icebergs being shed from our glaciers at an alarming and historic rate would not be able to reach the end of the earth and couldn't fall off. It's like if a log in the woods falls and hits Senator Buttars on the head and no one was there to hear it would it really do any damage?

3. Some right thinking simpleton from Provo wants to relax the requirements for booster seats for kids ages 5-8. That means kids don't need to be in a booster seat if they are over 5 and their trip is less than 4 miles. Aside from the obvious DUH! response to this attempt to reverse many years of trying to convince the public that restraints are a good thing in a fast moving 3000 lb object piloted by a distracted, drowsy, potentially impaired operator whose last instructive learning experience concerning driving was most likely more than 10 years ago, are they really trying to change a law in favor of choice and against public safety where children are involved? I thought one of the few things we could count on in Utah, except when it came to education, was that we put our family and kids first, particularly with respect to safety. I hope no one is taking this moron seriously.

The fun ain't over yet.

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