Tuesday, February 10, 2009

President's Speech

Last night we got another look at our President. In his speach to the American people he encouraged Congress to act in the spirit of cooperation and not fight over the details of the Stimulus Package.
He did more than that though; he called on the Republicans to stop whining to push their own agenda (he told them directly they are the do nothing Congress they are complaining about). He told them he would listen to debate but not go down the road of misleading hype. He also opened up the floor for questions in an effort to encourage healthy debate.
Unfortunately he got the same sort of rumor mongoring questions aimed at giving the President a chance to duck the issues. These are the same sort of questions the press has asked for the past 8 years.
The press should be a force for uncovering the truth. They should ask intellegent questions designed to elicit information the public needs. The press has an obligation and they should meet this obligation rather than continue to pander to the past President's style of telling us what he wants us to hear and saying it often enough in the hopes that eventually we will believe it. Nor more stupid questions.
The good news is that our new President is smarter than that. He will make them rise to the challenge as he did last night. He responded to these stupid questions with the information he felt we needed to know and pointed the answer, in no uncertain terms, to those who needed to hear the hard truth, as he saw it. Hopefully someone in the press corps will catch this and ask more intelligent questions in the future.


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